
Monday, August 13, 2007

Marine Corps Marathon: 11 weeks to go

Completed my 7 miles yesterday with strides (bumped into Fran at the end of my run), bringing me up to 50 miles a week. Today's a rest day and also my birthday and day off so I'm going to take it easy, maybe go for a short run with R. later this morning.

I was pleased with the past week. It wasn't as hot as it could be and I got in a lot of early morning runs. It's tough keeping up with that schedule and I think it'll be awhile until I'll be able to get evening runs back in. But i'm holding up well. I'm generally eating great and getting trimmer and I can feel it helping my running. That's great.

Weekly recap
Mileage: 50.1 miles (80.5 kilometres)
Time run: 7:00:11
Pace: 8:22 miles/5:12Ks
Year to date: 922.5 miles (1483.5 kilometres)

This week:

I'm going to stick with the type of runs that Pfitz prescribes, but I'm going to tweak it because of a 15K race I have on Saturday evening that I plan to run into my 20 miler. Now the toughy will be to separate the hard runs (LT, long run and medium long) with recovery days in between. My slight worry is Friday/Saturday in which i'm doing a 12 miler GA Friday followed by 20 miles on Saturday. Another plan may be to do the 5 miler on Friday, the 20 miles on Saturday, then 12 on Sunday.

My plan (original Pfitz plan in brackets)
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 11 miles/6 LT (6 miles with 6x100)
Wednesday: 6 miles recovery w 6x100 (12 miles GA)
Thursday: Rest
Friday: 12 miles GA (11 miles/6 LT)
Saturday: 20 miles - 10 miles GA plus 10 mile race at long run pace and maybe test out marathon pace (5 miles)
Sunday: 5 miles (20 miles)


  1. Happy B'Day! =) Congrats on losing weight too, I'm definitely jealous! 50 miles a week, very impressive!

  2. Happy Birthday, looks to me like you are kicking some A and taking some names, did you say trimmer? What's that. My weight never seems to change, perhaps I should eat less.

  3. Thanks guys (and welcome back to the blogosphere!)... the weight thing is hard to manage when you're running so much.. can't starve yourself, but can't overeat.. sigh..
