
Saturday, September 08, 2007

20 miler

The week off has blown by fast. Went to Niagara region for an overnight trip -- wine, the falls and the casino. Back at it today with the second 20 miler done in 2:46:14 with an average pace of 8:18 miles/5:08Ks. Picked it up during the last half and increased the pace in the last three miles. Tomorrow's a 12 miler but it's threatening rain, so I'll have to time the run appropriately.


  1. Look for me along the Goodman trail (with two or three buds). At least the rain is letting up.

  2. P.S. Doing the SWM half route starting around 8:30-blue shorts and top-perhaps a hat if it is raining still. Fell free to run with (I mean by) us if you see us-we do 10 minute miles.

  3. Nice job on the 20 miler. Sounds like you are on your way to a great marathon time!

  4. Hey, marky mark, maybe I saw you. I was running from Harbourfront to the Beaches along commissioners and lakeshore. Hope the run went well.

    Thanks Dave, got more work before the taper, but it's going well.
