
Sunday, September 09, 2007

Marine Corps Marathon: 7 weeks to go

Got in my 12 miler today. It was rainy, then it stopped but was still very dismal out. So the roads belonged to the runners today. Lots of guys and gals on their long run today as today probably marks the final long run for those doing the Toronto Waterfront Marathon. I ran into Fran who's running that race.

Yup, 49 days to go. This week is the peak mileage for the training program, at 55 miles. I hit that about 3 weeks ago. Now, I still have high mileage weeks before the taper, but not as much as now. I'm feeling quite fresh having the week off -- no early morning runs and plenty of catch-up on the sleep.

Here's the weekly mileage since the training began. I took it easy the few weeks before the training started.

Weekly mileage: 56 miles (90K)
Time run: 7:46:05
Average pace: 8:21 miles/5:11Ks
Year to date mileage: 1,126 miles (1,811K)

Here's a recap of the week:

Monday: 6 miles with strides
Tuesday: 5 miles
Wednesday: 12 miles, 7 LT
Thursday Rest
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 20 miles
Sunday: 12 miles

Here's what's coming up

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 8 miles with 5x600
Wednesday: 11 miles
Thursday: Rest
Friday: 4 miles with 6x100
Saturday: 8-15K race
Sunday: 17 miles

I may take off Friday instead of Thursday. As for the race, if I don't do one of the Terry Fox runs next weekend, I'll either do track work or a 5 mile LT. (yikes, I thought those were over)

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