
Thursday, September 13, 2007


Did my 11 miler yesterday morning in complete darkness, starting at around 4:45 a.m. Lots of early morning runners these days as marathon day approaches. Today was a blessing, a (only) 4 mile recovery effort with 6x100 stride outs.

Day off tomorrow then I have a 8K to 15K race scheduled. It's Terry Fox weekend in Canada on Sunday, but instead I'm thinking of doing a 5 miler at LT or Yasso 800s Saturday followed by the 17 mile long run on Sunday.

In the meantime, this is some entertaining video of beginner runners training for a half marathon.


  1. Anonymous4:34 AM

    only at the ceeb

  2. I have noticed a lot of early morning runners out there as well - even at 4:30 a.m.
    I think everyone has been doing what they could to get their mileage in and avoid as much heat and humidity as possible...
    It sure was nice out there all week.Enjoy the 17 miler on Sunday. Weather should be perfect.

  3. yes, the ceeb!

    Good work on your run, Dave.. sounds like you did great!
