
Sunday, September 16, 2007

Track work and long run

Weekend almost over and just wanted to recap the four hours of running the past two days.

Saturday: Plan called for a 8K to 15K race but I couldn't find one so I headed up to the track to do laps. I planned to do as many Yasso 800s as I could (8-10). I did six, then instead of doing seven and eight, I did one mile around the track then finished the run, a total of 11 miles.

The 800s (with jog breaks) were not the most consistent I've done. A very strong wind and cool temperatures made one half of every lap to be against the headwind. I still have some work to do in getting even pacing .

1. 3:05 179 max pbm
2. 3:15 179
3. 3:21 178
4. 3:18 178
5. 3:16 180
6. 3:19 179

1,600. I was quite happy with the final four laps, which if were two 800s would be two 3:17s. It showed that I have the fuel in the tank.
1. 6:31 182 max bpm

10.6 miles in 1:24:52

Sunday: 17 miles planned. Was up very late last night -- actually, I saw the sun rise. I slept in until 12:30 p.m. and went out at 1:30. Heart rate monitor was showing very high heart rate the first kilometre, so I slowed down to reset the monitor. I took it real easy in the first 7 miles then turned up the pace. It was sunny, a little windy, cool, so I wore a long sleeve which as it turns out may have been the right choice. I didn't bring nearly enough Gatorade and water and it's something I have to really work on in my final long runs.

Ran it with a negative split: final time 2:26:08 with average pace of 8:35 miles/5:20 kilometres.

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