
Sunday, September 16, 2007

Marine Corps Marathon: 6 weeks to go

Sigh, 6 weeks to go. Three more weeks of race prep, then the taper begins. I'm getting really excited/focused for a few races, including a half marathon in two weeks, a 10 miler in three weeks and a 10K in four weeks. The half and the 10K will be all-outs, while the 10 miler in DC is just for fun.

Weekly recap

Tuesday: 9 miles/14K
Wednesday: 11 miles/18K
Thursday: 4 miles/7K
Saturday: 10.6 miles/17K
Sunday: 17 miles/27.5K

Weekly mileage: 52 miles (83K)
Time run: 7:13:04
Average Pace: 8:23 miles (5:12Ks)
Year to date mileage: 1,178 miles (1,894Ks)

Week ahead:
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 8 miles
Wednesday: 9 miles w 5x1000
Thursday: Rest
Friday: 12 miles
Saturday: 5 miles
Sunday: 17 miles with 14 at marathon pace

Big run is Sunday, which I may move to Saturday. 14 miles at 7:37 miles/4:45Ks.

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