
Sunday, September 23, 2007

Marathon pace run is done

Today was a 17 miler with 14 at pace in DC. I wanted to keep the route simple so I could concentrate on pace and running form, so I did laps of the National Mall (about 4 miles per lap). Was a bit worried about the weather being too warm, but it was a nice 22 C with high humidity, but it was an early 8 a.m. when I started. After a 1 mile warm up, I went into it. I ran the 14 miles with no breaks, veering off course if the traffic lights weren't co-operating.

It was a tough effort and my GPS wasn't giving me good live feedback, so I had to rely on my memory of marathon pace. I drank half a bottle of Gatorade before going out and went out with three 7 ounce bottles of Gatorade, which I drained throughout the run (and drinking at marathon pace, which is great with those little bottles).

All in all, I'm ecstatic with the run. It showed me I can handle this pace even on my own and I actually was going a bit faster than I should have. Here are the splits (marathon pace is 7:37 miles or 4:45 Ks):

1: 7:36
2: 7:39
3: 7:34
4: 7:30
5: 7:30
6: 7:32
7: 7:32
8: 7:19
9: 7:30
10: 7:34
11: 7:37
12: 7:35
13: 7:30
14: 7:40

14 miles | 1:45:48 | 7:33 miles | 4:41 kilometres

Every lap was faster than marathon pace except for the second and final one.

Ran about 16.5 miles in total. Next Sunday, I have a half marathon race and now I've done this pacer, it's going to be an all-out effort. Looking forward to see what I can achieve.


  1. Nice job! You'll do great come race day. I'm positive of it.

    Someone I know who used to live in D.C. says that it's hard to get Garmin signals there becuase they scramble the satelite signals. Supposedly it makes it more difficult to do bad things using GPS. Makes sense I guess.

  2. Thanks Fran! It was a real confidence booster since I wasn't that sure of myself going in -- weather wise and also general rest.

    Yeah, the garmin gives odd feedback on pace, but it measures distance accurately. Better to have my body remember the pace anyways.
