
Sunday, September 23, 2007

Marine Corps Marathon: 5 weeks to go

Another successful week in long, long, long training program. I've done 13 weeks of this Pfitzinger program and I know one thing: I'm better prepared for Marathon Day compared with last year.

The hard work is paying off. I can run long distances at my marathon pace, I believe my lactate threshold has improved which means I can run faster for longer without tiring and i've felt confident in the past few test races when i've not gone all out. I've done speed work, pace runs, tempo runs and kept up faithfully to those long mid-week runs of 11 miles up to 14 miles. Last year's program really didn't have high mileage during weekday. I'm batting 100% in being true to the program.

Weekly review
Mileage: 50 miles (81K)
Year to date mileage: 1,228 miles (1,975K)

As a side note, I'm quickly reaching the 2,000K mark for the year. To put that in perspective, 2,000K will bring me from Toronto to Cape Breton, N.S.

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The next week will need some tweaks. I have a half marathon that I plan to really race. Which for me means I want to run it hard, smart and target a fast finish and a personal best. I really hope to be capable of a sub 1:34 which means 4:27Ks which I'm capable of.

The hope is to load all hard workouts early in the week and give myself plenty of time to recovery and also give myself a mini-taper.

Monday: 4 miles with 6x100
Tuesday: 8 miles with 5x600
Wednesday: 11 miles
Thursday: 3 mile recovery or rest
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 2 miles recovery with 6x100
Sunday: Race 13.1 miles in morning; 4 miles in evening if I'm up to it.


  1. Nicely done. Those 2000K get you back and forth to DC a couple of times.

  2. I will be running Marine Corps this year as well, and while I'm on pace for 2k miles this year I'm a bit shy still at this point.

    Good luck! It seems like your training is going well.

  3. Add a "little" swim and you'll make your way to the newfies!! lol AWESOME MILLEAGE!! =)

  4. Thanks guys.. I'm hoping i'll match or surpass last year's total mileage...
