
Saturday, September 29, 2007

Starting line, T-minus 24 hours

media1.jpeg, originally uploaded by yumkerun.

Call me neurotic. Or call me a runner.

I got up at 6 a.m. to try out a few things before tomorrow's Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon (half). First, the sun doesn't rise until just before 7 a.m. and I want to run with my prescription sunglasses. Second, I live very close to the start line, but wasn't sure how long it took.

So that explained why I was walking up my street at 6:30 a.m. with shades on. It was dark, but the street lights were bright enough. It took about 13 minutes to get to the starting area. Great. This means i'll leave home at quarter after 6 tomorrow to give me plenty of time to line up.

I walked the first kilometre or so of the course to wait to see how bright 7 a.m. was, which accounts for the picture above looking into the first 400 or so metres of the race from the starting line.


  1. I was up early too. It's dark and cold! Do you wear something over your running clothes that you toss away? Or a garbage bag? Or are you just cold for a bit?

    I was wondering about the shades, as I'll be done by 9:15, but figure on the loop back I'll be running into the sun.

    Look for me and my buds after if you are hanging around!

  2. It's cool, but it'll be perfect 20 minutes into the race when we're all heated up. I was just thinking of bringing and old shirt to wear over my singlet.

    As for shades, I ran this race the past two years and I can testify that you will not regret having shades on after the 12.5K turnaround. you'll be running straight into the sun.

    Good luck with the race. i'll be cheering other friends in around that time so maybe i'll see ya!

  3. Have fun tomorrow! =)

  4. not that you need it, but good luck and see you for postrace bacon.
