
Thursday, September 27, 2007

31 days, 4 races

Those race organizers like to send out emails.
I've gotten two today.

One from the Army 10 miler with my bib info:
Race Number(M33), your race number is 2604!

Then one from the Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon, where I'm doing the half, assigned a bib number of 4327.

One interesting thing to note is that I was registered as a "Sub-Elite" for the Scotiabank race for no apparent reason. It seems now that the race officials have explained why: They are actually going to have start corrals based on their "Sister Marathon" the Chicago Marathon (which I did last year).

According to the site:

To make it possible for as many runners as possible to get off the line quickly and chase fast times, we've further refined our START CORRALS for 2007. We've been helped enormously in this task by our sister-city marathon, the LaSalle Bank Chicago Marathon, who've shared information, and actually had 5 of our key Operations Team work on their Start Corrals at last Fall's Chicago event.

Shortly before Race Week, all entrants will be assigned bib numbers based on expected finishing time. Your number will then place you in one of the following corrals:

  • Elite: sub 2:30 marathoners and sub 1:15 half marathoners
  • Sub Elite: 2:30 to 3:10 marathoners and 1:15 to 1:35 half marathoners
  • Competitive: 3:10 to 3:35 marathoners and 1:36 to 1:47 half marathoners
  • Preferred: 3:35 to 4:00 marathoners and 1:48 to 2:00 half marathoners
  • Open: 4:00+ marathoners and 2:00+ half marathoners
Last year, I started in the Preferred 1 area in Chicago. The Scotia guys are then putting 1:35 half marathoners with blazing fast runners?

Speaking of pacing, my A goal is to sub 1:34 (or just beat my 1:34:29 PB) so I'd like to run with the 3:10 group until we split off around the 17th kilometre mark or earlier. A sub 1:34 pace is slightly faster than the 3:10 marathon pace so if I want to go for it, I could stick with the group then make a decision with 4 miles left and pick it up if I can.. decisions decisions..

4 races in the next 31 days. Craziness


  1. yikes-don't get intimidated at the start-or injured in a stampede-and just run your race.

    I'll be in the open category but one of the faster people in that category at likely not too far off 2:00. Not sure where in that group to position myself. I don't want to go out too fast but also don't want to spend a lot of energy passing walkers.

    Good luck!

  2. I got a really low bib number and am wondering what corral I'm in. I think I'm in the sub elite corral too, but one thing I'm worried about is whether the 3:10 bunny will be in the same corral as me. Since the cutoff is 3:10, it's unclear whether he/she will be in the subelite or competitive corral.

  3. I'm 8502 and I gave a predicted time of 2:15.
