
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Track work, carby goodness and a mini taper

media1.jpeg, originally uploaded by yumkerun.

I've loaded my runs early this week: a 4 miler on Monday, a 11 miler yesterday and a 8 miler with track work today.

My leg muscles were feeling tight so I decided not to go too hard, just somewhere close to 5K race pace. The heart rate showed cause I maxed at about 177 and I know I've maxed at 188-189 on other days. Here are the 600 metre repeats.

1. 2:24 171 max bpm
2. 2:20 176 bpm
3. 2:25 175 bpm
4. 2:25 177 bpm
5. 2:25 175 bpm

Not as fast as other ones I've done but they were consistent.

I went home and cooked some pasta from St. Lawrence Market.. so yummy. I love carbo loading.

The next three days will be recovery and a mini-taper for the race. I want to be fresh for it and if I do run, I'll do 2 miles tomorrow and 2 miles with strides on Saturday.


  1. that pasta looks great!

  2. Oh man that look awesome! I'm jealous you live so close by that St. Lawrence market!! I want some of those Montreal bagels in Windsor!!

    Have a good day off you've earned it

  3. It is amazing. I'll have lots of pasta for the weekend.
