
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Off to DC ... soon

... I leave tomorrow so tonight I'm getting all my running gear ready for the trip. I think I got everything I need -- now just looking for a windbreaker.

Also undecided whether I'll use my training shoes or use the pair I have in DC and have done about half a dozen runs in, including a 20 miler.

I've done two runs so far this week, a six miler yesterday night and my dress rehearsal, a seven miler with two miles at pace. I warmed up with two miles and tried to do a 7:37 mile but did that in 8 minutes. I just wasn't awake enough and it felt harder than usual. I picked it up and hit the next mile in 7:36 and then decided to do another mile at pace. I did that in 7:40.


  1. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Forecast of 17C and sunny for race day ... fingers crossed for you.

    Sounds like you've had a solid taper. Go get 'em!

  2. Good luck!

    I'm leaving for the race tomorrow morning.

  3. Youare so ready. Good luck!

  4. I certainly hope so. Thanks guys.
