
Monday, October 22, 2007


I purchased a hat today so that R. can spot me in the crowd during the Marine Corps Marathon. Also cause I want to represent the country, ya know what I'm saying.

White hat with the beautiful Canadian flag emblazoned. I hope it'll help her spot me.

No running today but plan to get a 6 miler tomorrow then the dress rehearsal on Wednesday. Starting to think about packing, which includes throwing all my favourite running clothes into a pile and sorting things out. I know the socks (Nike) and shorts (Race Ready) that I'll be bringing. I'll bring a few sleeveless singlets and a long sleeve. And some windbreakers in case of rain.

Oh yeah, and i'll bring more than one hat, just in case.

Just remembered... ran the Chicago Marathon a year ago today. I think right about now a year ago we were tucking into Uno's pizza.


  1. Good luck my friend. Taper well rest up and eat properly. I wish you a great day and good weather in "my" nations capitol. Run strong.

  2. Nice hat ;-)

    Key is visibility! It's good to be seen from far away in a crowd.

    The moment is almost there! I'm sure you're going to do awesome. Good luck on Sunday, hope the weather cooperates and that it's a good day for you

  3. Hey thanks guys. Looking forward to getting to DC. The weather is looking to be fantastic!
