
Sunday, October 21, 2007

Marine Corps Marathon: 1 week to go

Sesame ice cream, originally uploaded by yumkerun.

What do runners do during the taper? Well, they reconnect with friends and do things like eat tonnes of sushi and top it off with sesame ice cream. Amazingly yummy.

Well, this is it. I did my 12 miler this morning - probably the last warmish weekend of this year. Took it easy then decided to turn it on and ended up with a moderate effort, doing 8:11 miles in 1:38:34.

Four more runs until marathon morning and I'm trying to keep things low key -- catching up on sleep, resting my legs. It's funny, but all they say about the taper is true. All the little aches and pains in my legs are coming to the surface this week. It's all good. The body's healing and resting... all the best for race day.

I leave for DC Thursday after work so time to think about what I'm packing. For now, it' looks like it'll be perfect conditions.. starting cool and up to 17C or 63F.

A few things on my mind. First is the course, much of which I'm familiar with but there are certain parts near the start and in the last six miles that are a big unknown to me. The biggest worry, however, is the massive crowd. Last year in Chicago, I was able to line up at the front with my preferred placement. This year, its a free for all, which means I have to get there early to line up with my pace group. I also have to face the reality that there could be major dodging in the early miles. Is it good conditions for an optimal race? I don't know, but I think i'll have the advantage of having a large group to pace off of compared to the smaller packs in smaller marathons.

Anyways, more time to think about race prep later this week.

Here's this week's schedule.

Monday: Rest; begin carboloading and hydration
Tuesday: 6 miles; Start assembling running clothes, gear
Wednesday: 7 mile dress rehersal with 2 miles at pace; finish packing
Thursday: Rest; fly out to DC after work; eat out at Italian joint as it's all carbs after this point
Friday: 5 miles with 6x100; pick up race kit; watch movies
Saturday: 4 miles; stay off feet, final prep, eat lots of pasta and in bed by 10 pm.
Sunday: RACE 26.2 miles

Weekly mileage: 33 miles (53K)
Year to date: 1388 miles (2233K)


  1. Nice job on the 12 miler. Sounds like you are more than ready. This week will be an incredibly easy one - enjoy.
    I think the larger crowds might be a good thing - it'll keep you from going out too quickly (and hopefully you won't have to dodge too much).

  2. Even if it's crowded, you should be fine. You have enough of a training cushion that you should be able to pull off a negative split if you wanted to. Enjoy the rest of the week of easy running.

  3. Oh and when I first saw that picture I thought it was an ashtray!

  4. Hey thanks Dave. Yeah, the runs have felt easy if not also a bit achy. Fran, thanks for the vote of confidence.. easy for me to second guess myself :)
