
Sunday, November 18, 2007

Back to the base

Another good week of running in the books. I'm bouncing back quicker than last year. Hit another running milestone, passing the 1,500 mile mark for the year. I'm well on the way to surpassing last year's 1,563 miles. I started this year pretty slow, but once spring came, I've been catching up week to week. My post-marathon running has been strong.

Today's 10.5 miler was great. It was cool, but I slightly overdressed that I had to tuck away the gloves and the wind vest was making things too warm. I started with 5 minute kilometres but after the half way mark, I decided to pump it up, and was able to run the rest at around or faster than marathon pace (7:37 miles and 4:45Ks).

Here's the mileage for this week:

Tuesday: 6 miles
Wednesday: 8 miles
Thursday: 3 miles
Saturday: 5.5 miles
Sunday: 10.5

Happened to just note that we did 5.5 miles yesterday, which was the distance runners were doing to mark Ryan Shay, the marathoner who died during the U.S. Olympic trials. For you, Ryan.

Weekly total: 33 miles (53K)
Year to date mileage: 1507 (2,425K)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the 1500 km! Very impressive year! =)
