
Monday, November 19, 2007

Pics are in

I'm loving these marathon pictures. Looking strong in most. And happy in some. Good to remember the good times and forget the painful last miles.


  1. Cool pics, I really like the one with the Washington monument in the background. I don't think I have ever had a good race photo.

  2. You've got some great pics there. Brings back the memories.

  3. Nice sunny day. There are some pretty good ones there! Are you going to buy some? I remember you went a little photo-crazy last year for Chicago but eh it was the first!

    Have you decided on your spring marathon?

  4. Thanks guys. I'm liking these ones and they are the ones I purchased (digital). I figure I spend an entire summer training, might as well spend a little more money.

    Sonia, close to making a decision on my spring marathon. The one in Cincinatti is really tempting!

  5. Yeah the Pig one looks interesting! I wish I knew where I was going to be in the spring that would be easier to plan races! Now, it looks like I'm going to miss Chilly and probably ATB =( Oh well, I really need to find a job first lol
