
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Strides and tempos

It's almost time I get back some quality speedwork or LT runs in. Today, started off slow and I was thinking of throwing in some strideouts. I ended up pushing the pace till I hit marathon pace, then hit it up a few notches until I ended at the faster end of my LT during this past summer's training. Here are the splits of a 10K (the first two are a little wonky due to GPS issues:

1. 5:03
2. 4:20
3. 4:56
4. 4:45
5. 4:47
6. 4:35
7. 4:34
8. 4:23
9. 4:19
10. 4:11
(last 250 metres): 3:33 pace.

10K done in about 45:53, which isn't bad seeing as I started the first half a little on the slow side.

I think it's time I sign up for a 5K race. R and I will probably be doing the Resolution run on Dec. 30.... If only it hasn't filled up yet.


  1. My new favorite word is "wonky". Go rock that new year's eve 5k.

  2. Some bad news... I looked up the resolution run the other day -- cuz despite my moaning and groaning about my lack of running commitment these days, I do enjoy the occassional race -- and it reached cap already! Here's hoping I was looking at the wrong city?
