
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Last quarter mile for you, Bob

Still on my easy easy week, and since I had a rare weekday off, I slept in and kinda thought about running. By 10:30, I was out there for a late morning run. It was only 0 degrees (32F) and it was windy but best of all, it was sunny. Practically balmy.

Set out to do 3 miles but altered my route so I could do a bit more... came upon the 6K mark when I thought about Bob, who said in response to one of my recent posts about running 5K

And I thought you were going imperial? :)

Oh yeah, I think in miles, not kilometres. So I figured, what the heck, another 400 ... er, quarter mile, and I would do a nice round 4 miler (6.4K if you're counting).

Run's in, out to do shopping and later have pasta and other yummyness with JellyP and the gang. I have so much blog reading to catch up on too!

1 comment:

  1. Trust me I don't count in K's or anything with the word meter in it for that mater. :)
