
Monday, December 10, 2007

Taking it easy

Screw it, it's time to rest for a bit. It's the holidays and I have marathon training soon, so this week, screw mileage, I'll get runs in when they come...

So today, 3 miles. Maybe i'll get up early tomorrow. Maybe not. Yay for Christmas.


  1. That sounds good to me, especially if you're super busy with work. You'll have enough, I can't miss type runs in the near future!

  2. definitely yay for Christmas! You will still make the 1600 goal, though, right?

  3. Anonymous9:34 PM

    yay for your day off tomorrow

  4. So happy it's a sunny day here in Toronto. I'm looking forward to just some running for the heck of it. I did run a bit today though.
    Sonia, yeah, i'm preparing myself for getting back 'on schedule'
    and darrell, i'll hit 1600 no problem. on my way
