
Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Need for speed

In 25 days, I have my last race of the year, a 5K fun run. It's a resolution run, but no need to make resolutions since I have marathon training to think about on Jan. 1. Haven't really done a lot of speed work the past month but today was a first entry back into it.

Ran 5K , doing the first at a steady long run pace. After two kilometres of that, I decided to do some 100 metre strideouts. And after a few of those, I felt great, so I decided to turn it on slightly.

Here are the splits.

1K: 5:03
2K: 5:07
3K: 4:36
4K: 4:29
5K: 3:57

Final time in 23:12.

Here's the thing about my PB for the 5K distance. It sucks given what I've done in longer races. I've run very few 5K races so that my PB was actually set on a blazing hot day in which I fell apart in the last kilometre, giving me a time of 21:44. During a 10K before the marathon, I managed a 41:23 with the first 5K in 20:50 and the second even faster on a hilly course. I'm not in that shape now, but I think I can be in shape to lower the PB by a smidge. So while it's a fun run in 25 days, it could be a day I can exact sweet sweet revenge on that PB. How does 21:30 sound?

Hey, we all need goals.


  1. Anonymous11:42 PM

    hi kenny

  2. Hey, that number sounds great. And I thought you were going imperial? :)
