
Monday, December 03, 2007

New Year's Resolution: The next marathon

Okay, so a kick in the butt is needed for this runner. Actually, I'm not that bad this year, but I've had a few lighter weeks after the marathon. My target was to do 25 to 35 miles a week. Last week I managed 24. Oh well, close enough.

But this post is not about current running, but about future running. I think this summer and fall, I've worked up a strong running routine, I've made fitness gains, shed weight and grown to be a stronger runner. I don't think I want to wait a full year before having my next shot at the marathon distance, so here I am, a month after Marine Corps Marathon and planning for the next one.

The Flying Pig Marathon in Cincinatti on May 4. JellyP, who tends to always talk me into these distances, is doing a family pilgrimage to the Flying Pig to do the half, so why not (excuse the pun) piggy back on that idea (not to 'hog' all the attention) and use it as my spring marathon.

So I signed up today, and I'm about to look for hotels. Next, it's time to think of training: An 18 week program would start (ugh) on Jan. 1. and I'm not looking forward to running in the two coldest months outside. This will be tough.

One option is to do some good maintenance miles and start a 12-week program in Mid February but it looks like I may not get the quality work in. All said, I think I want this marathon to be another one in the books so I can attempt to run one through without hitting the wall.

Regardless of when I start training, I will use the next three weeks to recharge myself from work then plunge right back into it in January. Lots of maintenance miles in the meantime in December, starting with a three-miler right now...


  1. Awesome news!!! The Pig's look like such a nice event!

    I'm sure you'll have an amazing training as you showed us with the last 2!

  2. Groan groan groan. Yet I bow to the punmaster.

    I wonder if post-race bacon will taste even better at this one?

  3. Wallow in your selection, enjoy your respit from hard training.

  4. Good luck with the training! As for your question, I haven't quite decided what races I'll do in 2008. I'm still hoping to do a marathon in Feb to hopefully BQ and if I do than I'll probably do Boston for fun. If that doesn't work out then I'll have to determine if I want to another one in the spring or wait until the fall. It really is going to end up depending on how the winter training goes.

  5. I've heard nothing but good things about the Flying Pig. I don't envy you the winter training though, good luck.

  6. Looking forward to the pig. It'll be nice doing a smaller marathon. The first two were massive ones. I should look up their pacer info..
