
Sunday, June 01, 2008

Feeding the urge...

I can only describe the feeling as stir crazy on steroids. There are days when I'm on the streetcar platform, waiting in a mass crowd to board it so we can take the 5 minute ride home, the final leg of a three vehicle journey from work in the suburbs to my waterfront condo. I don't know, maybe it's because I hate rush hour, maybe it's because the only other time I find myself in such a big crowd is when we're lining up for a big race.

But it comes, you know.. that... er.. feeling, that urge to run. It happens to me a lot in the spring and summer, when 6 p.m. or 7 p.m. it's still light outside. My streetcar emerges from the underground and I see the sunlight still out. I see the sidewalk. Yep, it's dry. I check the trees and flags. Light wind. I see if there are runners out there (a guaranteed yes if it's spring or summer). So as the streetcar nears the final stop, and I get up and plant myself near the exit, I feel that urge. I gently stretch my calves through my jeans. If only I can start running, I think, RIGHT NOW. I exit, check the feel of the air temperature on my exposed arm. I make a mental checklist (singlet today, 8 miles to the west, and i'll need a few bites of a bagel) and enter the condo with purpose. I gots things to do right now.

And if all goes according to plan, I'll be back outside in short order. Within five minutes, the itchy feeling will be replaced with the patient wait for my Garmin to grab a trio of satellites, for me to adjust that fuel belt and retie that right shoelace with the double knot, and for the crossing sign to turn white. Cause when it does, i've got 8 miles of uninterrupted road ahead of me and in the first strides, the urge will be quickly fed with the initial rush of a smooth turnover, quick cadence and endless energy... That lasts only for a little but, but after that, that's just gravy...

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