
Sunday, June 01, 2008

Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon: 17 weeks to go

Today's 15 miler marked my first long run of that nature since my last marathon a month ago. I welcomed the sleepin but was raring to take advantage of slightly cooler weather. My plan was to head east to the Beaches and try to run it smooth but with a little effort. The wind was heading out east to I was getting a little bit of aid on my way out there. I decided to bring my iPod with me today just to keep me company and I wanted to catch up on some podcasts. Kept the volume down as there were tonnes of cyclists who were doing the Becel Ride for the Heart on the nearby highway.

I've been trying to do the right things with my runs, really trying to focus on keeping my heart rate in check, keeping a good posture and trying to run efficiently. What I wanted to avoid was to push it too hard so that the medium-long run would feel something like comfortably hard. I wanted to push for that edge just before comfortably hard, like a 'I could run forever' but slightly faster. I'm also know that I'm looking to push the pace a little bit more since I am gunning for faster training paces. Here are the splits for this 15.6 miler

1. 8:17
2. 8:26
3. 8:14
4. 8:06
5. 8:14
6. 8:07
7. 8:01
8. 8:02
9. 8:02
10 7:57
11. 8:04
12. 7:53
13. 7:50
14. 7:53
15. 8:00
.6 7:34 pace

Total run, 15.62 miles in 2:05:47 with average pace of 8:03. That's a pretty good start, influenced by really nice weather no doubt.

Here was the week past of the Pfitzinger 70 mile week 1

Tuesday: 11 miles
Wednesday: 8.1 miles
Thursday: 9 miles
Friday: 5 miles
Saturday: 5.4 miles
Sunday: 15.6 miles

Time run: 7:18:19
Total weekly: 54 miles (87K)
Year to date: 894.5 miles (1367K)

Week to come:

Tuesday: 8 miles
Wednesday: 12 miles
Thursday: 5 miles
Friday: 9 miles
Saturday: 5 miles (I have 5K race that day so will do that and 2 mile cooldown/warmup)
Sunday: 17 miles


  1. Good start! I did my 16 miler in 2:57 with an average HR of 144. I ran down the Humber from Lawrence to the lake, headed west towards Humber Bay Park, and then turned around. The way back had a lot of uphill stretches and was hard. The dim sum lunch afterwards was spectacular!

    I can't imagine doing an extra 10 miles though...

  2. That IS a pretty good start... keep it up!

  3. Thanks! Have lots of work to do but hey, it's all fun right now (check back when i'm up to 70 miles)
