
Friday, February 20, 2009

Running in New York City

Well, a year ago on the same weekend, R. and I did a three day weekend in New York. We shopped, dined and generally entertained ourselves to the max. It was so much fun. A huge highlight was running in Central Park.

This time, we're going for 5 days and we said we'd try to run Sunday through Wednesday in the park. My marathon training is giving me more rest days than I'm used to, so my schedule is looking pretty light

The required runs are a 13 miler on Sunday and a 8 miler with 4 miles at LT pace on Tuesday. That will be an interesting run to do in Central Park.

The park is perfectly suited for running, with hills and lots of company (other runners). It's also perfectly matches a 10K distance about 6 miles to do the big loop. See the map here. For this Sunday, I may actually try to throw down a decent run. Who knows, it all depends on how we treat ourselves on Saturday night.

Still packing, leave in 10 hours.