
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Strength in hills

As a test of my fitness, today's two laps of Central Park was just fantastic. I did 13 miler, with a first two kilometre warmup, in 1:45 and finished the run in 2:02 (24.5 kilometres or 15.2 miles). Most kilometres were done at a pretty good clip of sub 5 minute kilometres and even with the hills, I felt amazing. Spent a lot of time focusing on breathing and form.

The hills of the park are definately hard running but I love such challenges. Also enjoyed running twice by the statue of Fred Labow, founder of the New York City Marathon.

Now, for dim sum, shopping, more shopping and a little shop called S'MAC.


  1. I'm so envious... a run in Central Park, NYC dining AND shopping?! Enjoy!

  2. sounds like much better weather than we had here, so i'm jealous too! :) Sounds like a great time!
