
Sunday, March 01, 2009

Looking forward to racing

A rare pre-run post for me, but I'm psyching myself up for a long run in -11C weather. Not that bad, I suppose.

February marked my comeback and beginning of this marathon training cycle. I'm now two weeks in but I was upping the mileage the first week. I feel the benefits already. My ability to go long has definitely improved -- I've been able to knock off 10 to 15 milers without any major impediment to my cardio. That's great.

Speedwise, I've only had one LT run which wasn't too bad. These are the ones I always dread because they keep you honest.

And as races go, it's go time. I have a 5K race in two weeks. My training calendar has no speedwork so I may be underprepared for going sub 20 but that doesn't mean I won't try. The Around the Bay is now four weeks away. I'm hopeful I'll be in shape to run the race in sub 2:15 and to do that, I'm considering running a half marathon race the weekend before in DC. We'll see.

Off to do 15 miles.


  1. I thought you were racing the Chilly Half for some reason! Glad to read that marathon training is going well =)

  2. Glad to hear you've gotten right back into it so easily!

    Awesome to get the race seaosn kicked off as well. Unfortunately I won't be running ATB... I already sold by bib and I think it would be too ambitious to tackel 30K already.

    Two years in a row... I think thinking it's cursed (for me).

  3. Sonia, no chilly half for me, too early in the season to race :)

    Marlene, third time's the charm, I've heard. Glad you're back.
