
Sunday, March 01, 2009

Running more than 40

Today's long run went okay. Not sure if I was dehydrated or just a little tired but 26K felt a little harder than I thought it would, given my recent longer runs. That's okay, I'm thinking time on feet is what that matters.

I'm up to 44 miles for this past week, which I'm happy with as I was scheduled to do a little less. Here's a look at the running in the past three months.

December: 89 miles (20 runs)
January: 118.6 miles (23 runs)
February: 158.3 miles (20 runs)

So it's getting up there. This week's schedule

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: 8 miles with 8x100
Wednesday: 4 miles recovery
Thursday: 11 miles
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 4 miles
Sunday: 16 miles

I may switch a few days but will give myself Friday off.


  1. I'm impressed with 26K on a cold day! Hope you enjoyed the dim sum too,

  2. the long runs while building up mileage are tough, but it's much easier once you start peaking. I noticed your twitter message on daylight savings time. I feel the exact opposite cause i like running in the morning and I'll be losing an hours worth of light over the next couple of weeks. I liked it much better when the switchover was in April.

  3. Thanks Mark, did enjoy it very much.

    Believe me i'm trying to get up in mornings but since I leave for work at 7, i've always hated the 5 a.m. starts for the medium-long runs ugh.
