
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

11 days to go till Mississauga Marathon

I suppose I should actually think about the marathon and my tactics at this point. First, an update on training. In the past few weeks, I've added some speed sessions and V02 work and have pushed the pace a bit on my routine runs.

Today was supposed to be 3x1600 but since I'm racing a 10K over the weekend, I opted to just run four miles, no sense in wasting energy at this point.

For some weird reason, I was famished after my run and had a big dinner and still hungry. Wonder what's going on, some sort of pre carbo loading?

Here's what I want to do for the marathon: Ideally, run it to enjoy it and to run a strong marathon without stopping or falling part. That, for me, would be picking a reasonable pace given my on and off training this past winter. As of today, that's a 5 minute kilometre, so the target will be 3:30, sub that if I can.


  1. you should have no problem with that.

  2. Sounds like a good plan.

    Have you found it's best to park at the finish and bus to the start, or vice versa?
