
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Three races in three weeks, or the marathon sandwich

For some odd reason, I'm breaking the marathon training rules. Next Sunday, I'm running in the Sporting Life 10K race (presented by my employer, National Post) as part of the company team. I signed up for that a few months ago. In 14 days, my next marathon, Mississauga. Then a week after Mississauga, I run the Capitol Hill 10K in Washington DC.

Here's the thing. I intend to give more than a little effort next week. For my marathon, I think I'm picking a relatively conservative 3:30 target time. And the Capitol Hill race will be run as recovery.

Here's my schedule the last week which includes my last track workout and a race on Sunday.

Monday: rest
Tuesday: 7 miles with 8x100
Wednesday: 8 miles with 3x1600
Thursday: Rest
Friday: 12 miles
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: 6.2 mile race

Mileage update:
January: 119 miles
February: 162 miles
March: 133 miles (two sick weeks will do that to you)
April (month to date): 186 miles
Last week: 44 miles
Year to date: 601 miles

Yeah, my year to date mileage is a little low and if I kept up that pace, I'd hit the 1700 to 1800 for the year. The summer is going to be another monster running one, so I still expect I'll be close to 2000 by year's end.


  1. Marathon sandwich... I like that! I'm running a 10K sandwich I guess, with ha;f marathons as the bread. (Hartwell today, 10K next weekend, Mississauga)

  2. hopefully we'll get a few race day Sundays with no rain!
