
Saturday, April 25, 2009

Speed sessions galore

I feel like I have built up the endurance over the past month so in that sense, I'm ready for the marathon. Running at a strong pace pushing towards lactate threshold, I'm not so sure. So instead of doing just my prescribed miles, I've been heading to the track or throwing in fartlets.

On Thursday, went up to the track for the first time of the season. Yes, I've managed to skip so many track sessions. Kinda stupid but life will do that to you. Here are my splits,

1. 2:06
2. 2:15
3. 2:18
4. 2:20
5. 2:22.

I targeted 2:20s to 2:22 so I was pretty off the first two splits

Yesterday I had 4 miles scheduled and I ended up doing just over 5 miles and also ended up turning it on a bit for about a mile. I was running on Lakeshore and seeing the rush-hour traffic, I decided to really step it up and tried to keep up with a postal delivery truck. I beat it and on the way to a 3:47 kilometre, pretty fast. It got the heart going and it felt good.

Today, Pfitzinger-Douglas program called for a 8K to 10K tuneup race, but I didn't really want to find a race, so I headed up to the track to do some V02 track work. Since I did a V02 session on Thursday and added speed to my recovery run yesterday, I only wanted to do light work. I did the following.

1. 2:58
2. 3:06
3. 3:03
(That was very bad pacing, way too fast as it was more like 3K race pace than 5K, which should have been around 3:10)

After the three, I was tired so decided to do one mile. Had to swerve to avoid a group of runners but did it in 6:07.

Here's the map, from this site that I've seen other bloggers use.

1 comment:

  1. fyi, nothing from runsaturday showing, only says that "you do not have access to this information" or something to that effect. nice job on the speedy runs!
