
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A runner's lifelong journey

One of my closest friends also happens to be the Facts & Arguments editor at the Globe and Mail. Anyhow, she has a great touch in editing and selecting stories and I love it when an occassional running piece appears. And yes, she's an occasional runner who has a treadmill in her basement.

A nice piece in today's paper titled "Runner's high" written by Steve Kelly, a lifelong runner who says his best days are behind him but pays homage to what running has given him, from the beginnings when he found the sport before it became popular, to his glory year, which was many years ago. Here's a bit but worth reading yourself here.

Fortunately, I know that other measures are important too. Like the lessons running has taught me about myself, about my limitations and, most importantly, about my potential.
I'm glad to have read this a few days after I wrote my last post about my long distance and long term view of what running is to me.

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