
Sunday, May 10, 2009

6th marathon completed

Here's my nice shiny medal, earned this morning after the Mississauga Marathon. I'll write up a full race report, but the gist is: It was a well paced run, felt easy throughout until I decided to turn it up at the 35K mark after Tom told me he was fading. (I'm looking for his results now). We targetted a 3:30 but were consistently running faster so by the time I turned on the jets for the final 8K, I brought down the time to 3:24:11. That, by the way, is my third fastest marathon, funny, cause it's faster than the 2007 Marine Corps Marathon when I targetted a 3:20 and crash  and burned. Today, targetted a very conservative 3:30 and had an absolute blast.

Time to soak my legs in ice and celebrate Mother's Day!


  1. Very happy you had a good race!! =) Congrats on number 6!

  2. Congratulations! I love the Mississauga Marathon - that's where I ran my PB in 2006. Great weather today, too!

    Enjoy the ice bath :)

  3. Anonymous10:03 PM

