
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mississauga Marathon: The details

Race report later on, but here's the map and the splits (also on Garmin Connect)

1: 4:48
2: 4:54
3: 4:59
4: 4:42
5: 4:47
7: 4:45
(reset the lap) 0:25
8: 5:10
9: 4:20
10: 4:45
11: 4:59
12: 4:49
13: 4:50
14: 4:49
15: 4:50
16: 4:57
17: 4:57
18: 4:55
19: 4:59
20: 4:55
21: 4:44
22: 4:52
23: 4:49
24: 4:52
25: 4:57
26: 4:55
27: 4:49
28: 5:01
29: 5:02
30: 4:53
31: 5:06
32: 4:55
33: 4:51
34: 4:54
35: 5:04
36: 4:40
37: 4:38
38: 4:37
39: 4:35
40: 4:35
41: 4:33
42: 4:29
42.2: 00:30

Final time: 3:24:11


  1. Congratulations!!!

    I was standing near a bench about a few hundred metres from the finish line, just before taking the bend around the water from about the 3:00 mark. I watched for you, but must have totally missed you!

    Thanks for looking me up and for the congrats, I appreciate it. Pleased with the time but 1:50 is in my sights now. :)

    Can't wait to hear more abotu your race. I really loved the course.

  2. Congrats on your 6th! Amazing job.

  3. that's a pretty neat website. I like how they colour code the route based on speed.

  4. Wow-very consistent pace and it's wonderful that you enjoyed it so much-looking forward to the detailed gripping report!
