
Monday, June 08, 2009

The last build-up week

Yep, folks, we're about to launch the 18 weeks of marathon training. A co-worker asked if I was in training and I said, not it starts next week. He goes 'so you've stopped running?'

In a way, kinda, but not by a long shot. I logged 45 miles last week which is a proper buildup to the 50 miles I'll do in the first week of training. In my last week of 'pre training' I'll use as a recovery type week, a step back from last week, so I can enjoy one last lighter training.

I've been loosely following the recovery cycle from Pfitzinger Douglas and I mean loosely because I've ramped up my long runs way more aggressive than they suggest. I'm already back up to 15 miles yet even next week's run is only prescribed as 12 miles (i'm making that 13). That's because the 70 mile program is pretty aggressive and will have me ramp up very quickly to the high teens and 20 milers. Not going to hurt myself by going from 12 to 16 in a week.

So today, I'm taking a breather, resting the legs and beginning a morning routine. Here's the sked.

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 6 miles AM
Wednesday: 8 miles AM
Thursday: Rest
Friday: 9 miles
Saturday: 6 miles
Sunday: 13 miles


  1. Anonymous8:16 PM

    How exciting! Good luck getting started!

  2. Sounds like you are playing it smart. Enjoy your last 'easy' week and good luck kicking off the cycle!

    Also - thanks for the offer to answer any questions hubs might have (read: provide survival tactics) with the program. Mark says thanks in advance!

  3. Just picked up Pfitzinger's Advanced Marathoning and whistled at the mileage.

    Do you find there's a big improvement with these higher mileages? I could do 50-60, but after that it starts to feel like a part-time job.

    My plan is to do my first marathon this fall (Toronto vs Scotiabank?), and well enough to feel like I'm racing it. Daunting mileage though.

  4. The morning routine takes a little while to get used to, but it just becomes part of your day after a while and it feels good to know that you've gotten the run out of the way in the morning.

    If I recall, you were able to get pretty close to 3:15 using the 55 mile plan so i admire your dedication to the 70 mile plan when you probably could probably get it done with the lower mileage plan.

  5. Thanks Amy!

    Marlene, I am enjoying the week, but still running of course. And no problem on tips and tactics.

    Mike, I don't necessarily think you need to do 70 mile program to do a marathon. I think you should try the 55 mile if you go witth Pfitz. If you haven't really done 55 miles a week, you are bound to get injured if you use the 70 mile program as it ramps up really really fast.

    I have also thought that you could take the 55 mile program and tweak it to give you slightly longer mid-week runs and mimic some of the long-run weekend mileage but without the day to day pounding out the miles.

    I love Scotia for the half, but not convinced the temperature is dependably cool enough for racing a marathon, so that is why Im going with the Toronto October race. Good luck in deciding, Scotia training should have started already

  6. Hey Fran, true, I did a 3:18 and change of a 55 mile plan, but I still want to get a good base of training in me. I am going for 70 but I may take a recovery day and turn it into a core and stretching day. That will give me an extra rest day.. what areyou planning

  7. "stopped running" ? ha, not even close! a 45 mile week is more than I've ever logged!

    good luck with the first week!

  8. I think I'm going to stick with the 18/55 mile plan. I found it was a reasonable time commitment and it got me a 3:17 in Chicago the first time around. I will probably do Hamilton. I was thinking of doing Toronto if i got the sub 20 in the 5k, but think the extra weeks of track training will hopefully allow me to do it by the end of the month.
