
Saturday, June 06, 2009

Remembering a runner

How do we want to be remembered? When we're gone, what words will be used to described who we are?

I read a sad obituary in the Globe's Facts and Arguments page, about Don McDonald, who died near Buffalo in an airline crash earlier this year.

In these pieces, the paper usually uses a line to describe the person. For obvious reasons, it grabbed my immediate attention:

Loving husband and father, son, brother, friend, runner, outdoorsman, family man. Born March 6, 1960, in Timmins, Ont. Died Feb. 12 in Clarence Center, N.Y., aboard Continental Connection Flight 3407, aged 48.

The piece recalls his love of the sport:

Don was an accomplished long-distance runner in high school and had regained his love for the sport in recent years. He ran competitively, finishing first in his age group in many races. At the time of his death he was well into his training to qualify for the 2010 Boston Marathon. He had planned to run that race in April next year to celebrate his 50th birthday.

A very sad and haunting piece.

That, and the sad story of the Air France crash, got me thinking again about life and mortality. All can be gone in moments and we're told constantly that we should "seize the day" or live life to the fullest and that famous line: What would you want to be remembered for?

I wrote about Haruki Muarakami's "What I Talk About When I Talk About Running" before. I won't give away much by citing a passage from his book but he says he's selected what will be on his gravestone:
Haruki Murakami
1949 - 20**
Writer (and Runner)
At Least He Never Walked

Yes yes, I don't want running to take over my life but can't deny it's a big part of it. Today, while I was running on a bright sunny day on the Leslie Spit, with dozens of cyclists streaming by me, I smiled as I hit a comfortable stride and the perfect beat from a song came on my Ipod. Damn I love this series of motions, running is our natural act. I want to be known as a runner, and I am, but in truth, we're all meant to run, I think. Modern life has forced us to go out alone and find it for ourselves.

15 miles, 2:07:24


  1. I attended a lecture by an Indian doctor that has run 100+ marathons (now in his 70s and still goin!) and he said the Same thing - we're meant to run! It's natural, it's what we do. :) This post was great!

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog, and by extension for letting me find yours. Based on your PBs you are a very good runner, not only a runner. Great post and all the best in you marathon training. Is it for the TSWM or the Toronto Marathon on Oct. 18th?

  3. Great post. I often have thought about how I wanted to be remembered and even decided I want to be buried in my running shoes(hopefully not too morbid sounding)

  4. "The Dash" between your birthdate and your deathdate is what is important and represents how you lived your life! How great that it can stand for so much if you want it to. Yours will most definately include your running.

    Great post! Great article!

  5. what a great post... I've thought about it a lot too :)

  6. Good post - thanks for sharing. It got me thinking a bit.

  7. Hey everyone, thanks for the comments, I'm glad to have shared the piece.
