
Thursday, June 04, 2009

Not too crazy about the new shoes

They were okay, I thought. They felt fine, in fact, I distinctly remember pushing against the toebox when I tried my Asics Nimbus. Yep, I had plenty of room.

Not sure if my feet have grown in the past month, but i'm constantly loosening my shoelaces hoping to buy a little bit more room. In the past, I've worn thinner socks for fit, and I may try again, but I like my pairs of Nike. Thin socks tend to wear on my feet for some reason. Anyways, I'm going to snap up a pair of GT-2140s soon, and cycle them back into my training.

In other news, I've got another week and a half of 'base mileage' before the marathon training begins. Amazing how fast the season ramps up right after my spring marathon. I feel like I'm in decent shape but man, running at 4:30Ks seem a little more laboured. I'm very interested to see how the first month of training will go and how quickly I regain the speed I got last summer.

I'm up to 16 miles for the week, and the plan is to build up to about 15 miles for the weekend long run with the goal to top 40 miles this week. Next week, I'll dial it back and enjoy the last light week before 18 weeks of heavy running. Should be fun.


  1. Big 18 weeks ahead.

    Yes, Mark (my husband) is following Pfitz's 70 mpw program this summer. SOmething tells me I won't be seeing much of him. ;)

    Good luck with the shoes!

  2. Try Wright socks, I love them and they don't bunch nor cause your foot to slip...good luck with your training.

  3. I hate it when my feet grow. Good luck with the training

  4. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I actually had to move up to a bigger size shoe recently, too ... weird. It really did help, though. Enjoy the downtime pre-marathon training!
