
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Back on the road

It was the real deal, the flu. Was out for two-plus days and I took off three days from running. On Saturday, I thought maybe I could do a 5 miler, but a few kilometres in, I knew that I would cut it short. I ended it after 5K.

Think I just needed another day to rest up, which is odd, cause this morning as I woke up, the thought entered my mind of skipping today's run entirely. I saw it was chilly out (14C) and the thought of getting chilled to the bone didn't sit well with me.

But I forced myself out later in the morning and it had warmed up to the perfect running day. Again, I set my expectations lower, aiming at 21K or 13 miles. There were a few tough miles when the last bits of the cold were making its way up my lungs but I ran the last part strongly and did 15 miles in 2:03:08 for 8:10 miles or 5:05 kilometres.

Have a 63 mile week planned. Don't think I'm going to throw myself right back at high mileage. We'll see how the next few days go. My next race (10 miler) is a week from now.


  1. Sorry to hear that you were laid up with the flu (no fun!). Good to see you back out there. Have a good week!

  2. so glad you're feeling better and took the rest you needed!

  3. Ugh, sorry you were sick! Never makes sense to be sick in the summer, but something Always hits me around the beginning of june - then I'm good.

    Hope you're feeling better!

  4. Oof. Nothing to derail a training plan like the flu. SUCH a bummer. Good for you for easing back into it -- hope you continue to feel better!
