
Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Backing off big time

My co-worker who is doing the Lake Placid Ironman in a few weeks relayed a story about a recent weekend he spent training down there. They did the bike portion of the Ironman and the next day, one of his training partners hit the track and did intervals. So sad, but she tore her calf muscle and is in recovery mode as race day approaches.

I'm sick. Maybe i'll be better by tomorrow but after my fastish 10 miler last night in chilly Toronto, I felt a cough. It's now definately fluish and I had to leave work early. I was planning a 14 miler home which i've obviously ditched.

One thing about my marathon training is that in the past, my training schedule was my bible. If it said run hard tomorrow, I did that. If I couldn't fit it in the morning, then I do it in the evening. All in the belief that if I don't stick to the program then on race day i'll be somewhat diminished.

I had two colds in March and rushing back into training contributed to the second cold. This week was supposed to be a 62 miler but it won't, and i'm not that worried. I have three months of training ahead of me and the beauty of the Pfitz 70 is that it is so aggressive that a missed 14 miler today won't hit me in the end.

Listen to the body. I've heard it loud and clear and it's telling me, rest.


  1. feel better soon. Major bummer for the triathlete though! wow, that sucks!

  2. That's smart! A 14-miler would be rough on a Healthy person! ;) hope you feel better soon

  3. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Good call. Besides, your fitness should help you recover quickly!

  4. Playing it smart! Get well soon.

  5. Hope that you feel better soon. But you're right, if you're injured you should listen and be patient! Smart move.

  6. I hope you feel better soon. Very smart to back off.

  7. I have a really hard time not following my training plans to a tee but you're so right. We need to listen to our body. Missing a run here or there will not derail our training.

  8. Rest and recovery are of the utmost importance. I'm training for the Best of the Boardrooms 5K out in Colorado and riht now I'm training for 3 straight days and taking the fourth off. But if the body is telling you to take it easy, listen to it!

  9. Very good call! You can't go wrong-feel better soon.

  10. Rest up, it will work out better in the long run.

    I'm bodymarking in Lake Placid, so sorry to hear about your friends training partner....

  11. I hope you feel better soon and kudos to you for having the maturity to take a break from the all important training schedule. A sure sign of a more experienced runner is not panicking when "life" gets in the way of training.
