
Sunday, July 05, 2009

Long mileage starting to feel right

I still look at my weekly schedule and get a little intimidated with the number of runs and the miles I have planned. This week, for example, I just hit 59 miles, the most I've done in a week this year but not even close to the peak I should hit (around 70) in a few months.

It's six days of running a week but I got into a 11 day running streak before I took a day off yesterday to go to a ballgame, walk a lot and watch fireworks over the National Mall.

This morning didn't feel like doing my 15 miles and even a small part of me felt like saying no, but I kicked myself out of bed and by 9 a.m., I was ready to do the long run through DC. Very lucky this visit down here, it's so very cool down here compared with other summers, this being my third training in DC. Started off pretty slow and had to stop after 2 kilometres to stretch out my calves. I think it's a combination of too-old shoes and lack of decent stretching I've been doing lately.

That aside, I started to up the pace so I finished the run with an okay pace. I really did a different route this time around, doing part of the Mall then exploring the Mount Vernon Trail, Georgetown, Rock Creek Park, back to the Mall and up to the Capitol area and Eastern Market before coming back, finishing my run just a few hundred metres away from home and exactly 15 miles in the books. Odd how we can map out a run in our heads even when we stray away from the original plan.

15 miles in 2:06

Weekly mileage: 59 miles (95K)
Year to date: 974 miles (1567K)

 Next week, i have a whopping 62 miles planned, which will get me to 100K. Here's the sked according to Pfitzinger Douglas

Tuesday 9 miles w 10x100
Wednesday: 14 miles
Thursday: 5 miles
Friday: 11 miles
Saturday: 5 miles
Sunday: 18 miles


  1. Wow, that's a lot of running! Glad you're feeling good, hope the calves loosen up for ya! enjoy DC!

  2. Awesome mileage!

    I am loving the cooler temps around here right now, too. Why can't it stay like this all summer>

    Good luck on you 100K week (wow).

  3. I can't even imagine a 40 mile week - much less 62!! This made me want to run through DC so badly. I'm glad you had a good week of training here!

  4. Rock Creek Park is so fabulous right now -- and it will remain that way even when the temps climb again. Have a great week, and be careful -- my body would break if I ever ran that much in such a short period of time, but you might be made of tougher stuff than I am!
