
Thursday, December 24, 2009

The eating season (and running through it)

This is the time I dread. I don't have quite enough time to run -- having to help cook dinner, buy and wrap presents, and get ready for the festive season. I do have, however, plenty of time it seems to eat. Cookies and chocolate that gets passed around. The first and second platefuls of carb and protein (and fat) rich foods.

This year, it's slight different. I'm in the second week of marathon training so I'm not fond of dropping the mileage down to nothing. I've fit in 13 miles since Monday, not bad I think, and plan to get out there Christmas morning for maybe a medium long run. On Boxing Day, hope to get another run in.

Today I'm visiting the folks and I threw down four miles in the old hood, including a loop that had me passing my old elementary school. In the track below is where my love of this pursuit was born, many years ago. This afternoon, like most times I've passed it in recent years, it was deserted, dusted with snow.

Merry Christmas everyone


  1. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  2. Merry (belated...) Christmas! Hope you had a good one and got out there for a few miles.
