
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Year ender and the fourth blogiversary

Yesterday was my fourth blogiversary, which I marked by not posting but did get a 3 miler in. Four years ago yesterday, started this running blog and while the frequency of posting has gone down over the years and down during my non-training periods, I'm very happy to mark the day. I'm a few dozen posts from hitting the 1000 mark and looking back, this blog has been a great way to meet other runners and a nice chronicle of how I got to where I am.

Which is, at the end of 2009, 2120 miles or 3411 kilometres. 2009 was a great running year, to say the least. Three marathons, countless other races and I finally got my BQ all while pounding out the miles in Toronto, Washington and places in between.

Tomorrow starts a new cycle, races will loom and Boston and New York will be on the horizon. Winter is the season that tests one's running passion up here, but i'm looking forward to the snowfall, the long runs on the lonely trail. I doubt i'll hit a treadmill. In any case, it'll help burn off the calories I've inhaled over the past two weeks.

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