
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Setting some goals

I've been checking the forecasts the past few days, finicky about what I would put on for tomorrow's race and I picked up a pace band.. Hm, you might think that tomorrow may very well be a goal race.

The Around the Bay finish line inside Copps Coliseum.

And in a spring where I have no real goals in my two upcoming marathons but to have fun, maybe the competitive minded me is coming into play.

I think I may go for it tomorrow, go for the sub 2:15 (and it's gotta be a clock time too). This pace goes with a 3:10 marathon and is one I'm well accustomed to. In fact, my last four 30K races in the past few years have be right at that level.

2009, A Midsummer Night's run: 2:16:17 (Started out at a 2:19 pace then stepped it up after the half marathon mark): Race report

2009, Around the Bay: 2:21:09 (Was just coming out of two winter colds/flu and was a tad undertrained) and, oh yeah, it rained! Race report

2008, Midsummer Night's run: 2:13:24. This was the summer I was training for my first BQ attempt so I ran it in 2:15 pace but was obviously a minute and a bit faster. Great race, warm day, good pacing. This is what I can do when i'm on: Race report

2008, Around the Bay: 2:16:31. Aimed at a 2:20 - 2:22 but got progressively faster. In fact, this kinda reminds me of my half marathon last week. I ran the last 10K in about 43:30 and dominated those hills. If I run the last half like I did back then tomorrow, it will be a great day. Race report

Anyways, so here is the battle plan if it doesn't rain: Aim for sub-2:15. That's 4:30 kilometres. Second goal is sub 2:20. Third is to do half marathon at that pace then relax, cause it's my last long run before the taper.


  1. Good luck to you! At least the weather is looking better this year. I aim to run this next year and always love reading all the reports after this race. Go for that silver medal!

  2. Have a great race..I am looking forward to tomorrow. It is a training run for us but I do have a an agressive time goal...well for me anyway as I am slow. :0

  3. Great race reports and good luck tomorrow on your race.

  4. Good luck tomorrow...Go for the silver!

  5. Good call on playing it safe. No need to risk anything before the Boston. Still very respectable finishing time.
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