
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Shirt (an appreciation of Around the Bay 30K)

The race shirt. The mythical piece of swag. The unofficial rules dictate that you do not wear it until you finish the race. That in most cases you do not wear it while you are running said race. It is perfectly kosher to wear it afterward.

I have my share of favourite race shirts. Marine Corps Marathon gives out these gaudy but neat false turtlenecks. The Sporting Life 10K tends to give loud bright coloured ones. My favourites include ones from a local 8K run on the first day of summer (cool iconography).

Certain shirts are, in some minds, better than others. Which leads me to The Shirt, as I will call it.

I first saw The Shirt during a hard-fought 10K race years back. I was running hard on the heels of a runner and my oxygen deprived mind appreciated the little puzzle on the back of the shirt staring at me.

Older than Boston, the Shirt said tauntingly.

Huh, I wondered. He is older than Boston? He's getting older so he has a better chance to get to Boston? Oh, I get it, he doesn't care about Boston so much so that he OWNS Boston, therefore he's older than Boston.

Don't get it. Sorry.

A few years later, I finally found out what that meant. The thing that's older than Boston is the Around the Bay 30K, the oldest road race in North America. Its claim to fame is more than just its age relative to Boston, though.

ATB is typically run three weeks to Boston, which makes it part of many a Boston Qualifier's final long run before the taper.

It was featured as that road race the main character in Saint Ralph ran before he raced Boston.

It is really one of the biggest races in my home province.

It has an awesome distance that's worth training for -- more than a half, just enough distance before your body hits the wall. Just perfect for hard long distance running.

It can be raced on a perfect spring day, or in miserable rainy or snowy conditions, a victim or beneficiary of Mother Nature.

It has a wicked course, flat for the first 13 miles, then big-ass rolling hills, including a deadly one in the last three miles, followed by a nice downhill. Makes for great tactical racing.

It's run literally "Around the Bay" starting in industrial Hamilton, over a bridge days before the shipping season begins, and into a more tony lakeshore of Burlington before ending INSIDE a stadium.

It has different type of medals (gold, silver, bronze) depending on how fast you finish. I will gun for a silver one day soon.

And, of course, it has The Shirt.

Today, I did part of a 10 miler with Lee. As I rushed home, I felt it was cool, but warm enough for shorts. I dug around for a top, thinking maybe a long sleeve I could roll up would be good to wear. Then I saw The Shirt and thought, "Hey, it's the Around the Bay shirt, time to put it on an represent." Turns out, that was not a very original thought.

As Lee and I were running along and chatting (he's also running ATB and Boston) it started.

Little groups of runners were coming toward us and I saw The Shirt. Orange ones (like mine) from 2008. A red one from last year. Blue ones from god knows what year.

That's me above in The Shirt during the Toronto Marathon last year. Appropriately, I guess, I BQed while wearing it. As I crossed the finish line, a women who finished right behind me told me, "I like your shirt." I got the sense that she didn't know what it was from like I didn't all those years ago, but it was just mysterious enough to cause comment.

Tonight, Lee and I laughed after we saw the sixth orange Shirt. We talked about how great they were, the slogan on the back, and about the mythical race.

I noted that wearing The Shirt on the first days of spring says a few things about you. It says that yes, you ran through a winter to earn that shirt. It says you are a long distance runner, training up to 30K.

But it also means you know why I call it The Shirt.

Sunday, will be proud to earn my next colour. Wonder what it'll be.


  1. it is an awesome shirt and an awesome race! Have a great one this weekend! I'm running the relay this year with a friend... who was injured and couldn't run it last year. I gave her the choice of which half to take, and was honest about the hills hahah. We'll see what she chooses!!

  2. Great post and now I am even more pumped about this Sunday!

    I registered for ATB in both 2008 and 2009 and was unable to run... this will be my year!

    Unfortunately when I registered, they only had mens' shirt sizes left and I got suck with a size that is going to be too big to wear. Bummer.... maybe I can swap it somehow because I LIKE THE SHIRT!

  3. Have a great race..I am really looking forward to it. My hubs and I were just talking about what colour it will be this year. I am thinking it will be green...don't know why.

  4. Have a great day on Sunday and make sure your post-race post has photos of the shirt!

  5. I'm excited to get my first one.
    Best of luck tomorrow.

  6. Have a great race..I am looking forward to tomorrow.
    home jobs india

  7. I ran in the 113th, 114th and 115th (green, orange and red shirts) but was unable to participate this year due to neck surgery...I was wondering the same thing...what colour did I miss out on?? No pictures posted yet on the official web site. Can someone tell me the colour? Can't wait til 2011!!

  8. did a search on google for around the bay and found this old post ...

    good job!

  9. Just read this now. Making me even more excited to run my first ATB in 2012!

  10. It's more than a shirt, it's a statement like you said that you have slogged through a tough Canadian winter to earn the right to wear it.

  11. Love the ATB of the few shirts I wear over and over again! Can't wait to see what colour it is this year.
