2010: Gun for 2:15, pull a leg cramp and hobble in
Gun time: 2:20:43.2
Chip time: (2:20:27.3)
Today: Have no goal, just faster than 5 min Ks, run it consistent, strong and:
Gun time: 2:20:52.4
Chip time: (2:20:27.3)
Both years: 2:20:27:3
I don't know, that is kinda freaky. And while I was sprinting to the finish, something made me not put on that next gear.

That is a bit freaky, but congrats on a time way faster then I can ever do.
That is crazy. Congrats on a solid result!
Freaky! Congrats! It was a great March day for it!
That's insane!!! Congrats on another strong race. Great day out there.
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