Saturday, February 02, 2013

Running with Vine video, Twitter's new app

As I wrote recently, I've been snapping great pictures on the run with my smartphone, as runners get treated to beautiful views along the running trails.

Today, I busted out my iPhone and played with Vine, Twitter's new video app that lets you record (in spurts if you'd like) a six-second video. Doesn't sound like much and lots of debate over why six seconds, but we've seen pretty cool videos that play on a loop.

Running happens over many minutes, even hours. Runners travel far distances, and get to pretty cool areas by foot.

Somehow, the repetitive nature of running makes the six seconds actually flow with running. I've compiled a bunch of Vine videos I've seen taken by runners, starting with one of my own, taken over the course of 16 minutes and 3K. (Sorry if I blow up your browser, it's a lot of video!)

1 comment:

Robin said...

Those are great!